Wednesday, November 3, 2010

JRN 420: Caregiver Photo Story

caregiver assignment_1
Cohen Adams, 6, lives in Mount Pleasant. Doctor from Ann Arbor Hospital diagnosed his illness as stage four Neuroblastoma when he was only 3 years old. Neuroblastoma is the most common extracranial cancer existing in childhood. Only 40% of the children can survive this illness. During the process of chemotherapy in his early age, Cohen has lost his ability of hearing and needs a hearing aid to help him on listening.

caregiver assignment_2
The scars on Cohen's body can tell that the six years old kid has gone through many surgeries and treatments because of cancer.

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Cohen's mom, Angie, will give birth to her third kid on next March. They sit together and talk about those days when Cohen was given treatments in Ann Arbor hospital. Angie says Cohen has a better memory than her because he still can remember the most happy moments of those days. She is also glad that he does not remember the unhappy and painful parts when he was undergoing the chemotherapy.

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Angie shows the photos when Cohen was receiving the chemotherapy in Ann Arbor hospital to her kids. Angie and her husband, Jeff, felt helpless and hopeless when Cohen was diagnosed with neuroblastoma. All they could do was to pray hard everyday.

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Cohen holds his little angel. The little angel has been accompanied him since he started receiving treatment in Ann Arbor. He still keeps it with him because it is like a guardian to him.

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Cohen, Camryn and Angie play together in the backyard of their house on Nov 2, Tuesday. This is the kids' favorite area because they can have so much fun time here.

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Cohen Adams hide behind the door before he get ready to go out to the backyard with his mother and sister on Nov 2, Tuesday.

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